ghost and pals вики персонажи


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«COMMUNICATIONS» is a series by GHOST. The series is separated into three different «cases». [1]

Notice: The COMMUNICATIONS series is currently discontinued. Please respect GHOST’s wishes. [2]


Nancy Elsner


Nancy Housewife

Nancy is a housewife living in the 1950’s with synesthesia. She is Henry’s childhood friend and wife. After Henry cuts his mother out of his life, she becomes increasingly paranoid and suffers from panic attacks out of fear of abandonment. [3]

Frances Elsner

Frances 50%27s

Frances is the mother of Henry. She gave birth to him in 1923 at age 19. The father ran off leaving her to raise her son alone. She is extremely possessive and emotionally abusive towards him. She also despises Nancy and attempted to eliminate all contact between her and her son. [4]

Henry Elsner

Henry is the son of Frances and the husband of Nancy. When he was a child, he was controlled and abused by his mother who was possessive, strict, and always reminded him that he will die. Against his mother’s wishes, he befriended Nancy. He was fascinated by her synesthesia and ended up marrying her in 1950 while cutting his mother out of his life. [5]

Kennith Simmons


Kennith is a boy who feels hated by the world. His whole life he was bullied for being feminine, his tetrachromacy, and his homosexuality. His parents never took him seriously either. He enjoys tinkering with electronics. His only friend was a deaf girl named Stephanie. However, that friendship ended due to an large argument, leaving him alone once more. [6]

Stephanie Glass

Stephanie is Kennith’s best friend. She was born deaf and communicates with people by writing notes, reading lips, and using sign-language. She’s a very kind person, almost considered a social butterfly and she cares for a lot of people. She tends to be insensitive sometimes, not fully understanding others problems. Her accidental insensitivity is what left Kennith and her’s friendship in shambles. She is pansexual, and later on dates a girl named Jenny in college. She was to be voiced by Avanna. [7]

Bri Rodez

Bri is a teenager who spends most of their time online. They enjoy photography and «photoshopping» (editing) images. Due to their BDD (Body Dysmorphic Disorder), they heavily edit (photoshop) photos of themselves. They usually stay in their house unless it’s to go to school. They also enjoy experimenting with makeup. They are infamous in the internet community they frequent due to their excessive photo-editing. [8]


ghost and pals (and sth else)

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#CASEONE (если на арте Френсис, Генри, Нэнси или Рей)
#CASETWO(если на арте Кеннит, Стефани, Грег, Дженни или Эвелинн)
#CASETHREE(если на арте Бри, Эйвери, Саймон или Нейтан)

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Ghost And Pals Fandom Page👻

Хей-хей! Знали ли вы, что вчера GHOST участвовали в коллабе с Vane? Нет? Рекомендую послушать и посмотреть эту прекрасную песню, которая заслуживает вашего внимания!

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«те, кто продолжил, за исключением, этого pv, которое я никогда не закончу»

Привет, я просто дал достаточно зарядится своему старому планшету, чтобы восстановить с него некоторые файлы
Показать полностью.

Как я сказал в описании видео og, я написал эту песню в начале 2018 года, а потом жизнь помешала этому огромному pv, которое я хотел сделать 🙁

История про pv была о заразном заболевании, которое заставляло людей разлагаться живыми и разваливаться, разные персонажи представляют разные аспекты этого заболевания:

— девушка-робот в первом стихе, имела лечебный смысл, как только люди выяснили, как сделать роботов, которые могли бы вести себя как нормальные люди, они смогли научиться делать протезы, которые могли бы функционировать точно так же, только в ответ на уже существующий мозг

-два крутых чела и этот один мускулистый чувак представляют то, что они выздоровели от болезни и, да, конечно, все еще существует риск того, что то, что осталось от их органических тел, может снова заразиться и продолжить разложение, но они прошли через все это и могут справиться с этим снова, они не позволяют страху помешать им жить счастливой жизнью

Отредактированно: чтобы быть справедливым в ответ на некоторые комментарии, есть все еще Метафорическое (TM) значение для песни, хотя я обычно не говорю об этом, потому что это личное 🙂 я также не хочу, чтобы то, о чем я написал песню, могло повлиять на вашу свободу придумывать свои собственные интерпретации!

Кроме того, я не осознавал, что в какой-то момент количество просмотров достигло 1 миллиона, потому что мне не нравится аналитика моих видео. это на 100 000 просмотров, поздно, но примите это как благодарственный подарок

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«Этот клип основан на той неделе, которая была у меня некоторое время назад? У меня была пара причудливых снов о жуках, и в то же время различные жучки (некоторые из которых были немногочисленными, которых я никогда не видел в помещении) продолжали появляться в моей комнате намного чаще, чем обычно, включая пауков. это была не веселая неделя. 🙁 «
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Я слышу жужжание, жужжание, жужжание

Сегодня исполняется одна давняя мечта
Зарытая глубоко внутри
Морщинистые лица оставляют меня позади

Они говорят обо мне, понимаете?
Я слышу их
Они называют своих друзей энтомологами

Стучу по дереву, но я бы предпочел остаться один
И изолировать интуицию от неизвестного
Вы согнули мой мир, теперь я никогда не пойму
Что это значит, когда я вижу инвазии в своих снах

Сегодня исполняется две давних мечты
В то время гниют
Глотающие тела ползающие на четвереньках

Они говорят обо мне
Они очень близко
Они называют себя метаморфозой

Стучу по дереву, но я бы предпочел остаться один
И изолировать интуицию от неизвестного
Вы согнули мой мир, теперь я никогда не пойму
Что это значит, когда я вижу инвазии в своих снах

Инва́зия (нашествие) — многозначный медицинский и биологический термин.
В паразитологии инвазией называют:
проникновение паразитов в организм хозяина
В ботанике инвазией нередко называют вселение новых видов на территории, где они ранее отсутствовали, которое происходит без сознательного участия человека.

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Новый клип, на старую песню!

«СЧАСТЛИВОГО ХЭЛЛОУИНА BUGSQUAD Я НАКОНЕЦ ЗАКОНЧЛ ПЕСНЮ * НА * ХЭЛЛОУИН Мне никогда за те 7 лет, которые я продюсировал, не удавалось сделать это вовремя или вообще закончить
Показать полностью.

В любом случае, у меня есть новый римейк старой, но не такой старой, как последняя песня, которую я переделал. для тех, кто не был рядом, в июне или июле 2017 года я написал песню под названием «entomologists», а затем решил, что ненавижу ее, поэтому удалил ее вскоре после загрузки. теперь лучше! 🙂

Читайте также:  реальная история любви индейца и белой женщины

Я прошу прощения, если чего-то нет, я буквально решил сделать это два дня назад, чтобы закончить этот WIP и загрузить его на Хэллоуин, поэтому я признаю, что вроде как поспешил

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«Эта песня и видео имеют религиозную тематику. Видео так же имеет изображения злоупотребления психоактивными веществами и увечий.
Пожалуйста, смотрите с осторожностью, если у вас есть негативная реакция на данные темы»

Отец сказал, что этот мир не для меня
Я пытался молиться за новую реальность
«Итак, приходи ко мне, мы можем сделать ночь днем»
Связанная бабочка, казалось, знала другой путь


Отец вырвал пуповину
Там ничего не осталось, в бутылке, держащей меня на плаву
Мы оставим увиденное в.




[Иоанна 3:33]
[Принявший Его свидетельство сим запечатлел, что Бог истинен.]

Бог вернулся с бабочкой, прикованной к его руке
«Есть так много вещей, которые вы никогда не поймете.
Так что приходи ко мне, мы можем сделать ночь днем.
Ты будешь держать меня за руку, чтобы никогда не сбиться с пути. «



Итак, с советами мертвых
И ореолом над моей головой





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ᅠ Текст песни:
с нетерпением жду, ничего не понимая, благодаря различиям*
перестраивая все кости за день, сегодня проснулся

оглядываясь назад, ничего не понимая, повторяя сказанное
представляя разорванные тела, распутные, несвязанные, вокруг

что-то кровоточащее, изливающее желание
растворение кислотных слез
цепи, растягивающиеся на целую вечность
тянутся, как они и должны

металлические провода, спутанные с внутренностями
крылья ангела загромождают
опустошенный отдых излучающий очарование
испорченные, как они и должны

18 4 17 8 0 11
2 14 13 19 17 0 15 19 8 14 13
14 5
12 0 11 8 2 4’18
7 4 0 17 19
1 4 0 19 18

жизнь, несомненно, бесполезна для сердца влюбленного
упасть в распростертые объятья, разорвать открытые вены
однажды это тело будет зверствовать
повторять невыносимые отвратительные поступки

вкус железа, угасание, их бледнеющее лицо
чего-то не хватает, эта нестабильная машина, несчастная, нерожденная

интересно, может ли что-нибудь случиться, в темноте, далеко
жертвы с игривым нравом теряют свои чувства, кричат ​​как и должны

12 4 19 0 11 11 8 12 1 18 0 17 4 18 19 0 8 13 4 3
(1 4 0 20 19 8 5 20 11 14 17 6 ​​0 13 18)
12 4 19 0 11 11 8 12 1 18 0 17 4 18 19 0 8 13 4 3
(11 14 17 6 ​​0 13 18)
12 4 19 0 11 11 8 12 1 18

тоска по тому, что внутри, вглядываясь в человеческий разум
сломать ржавые детали, починить сломанные вещи
однажды это тело будет зверствовать
сирены кричат «остерегайтесь наших потребностей»

жизнь, несомненно, бесполезна для сердца влюбленного
упасть в распростертые объятья, разорвать открытые вены
однажды это тело будет зверствовать
повторять невыносимые отвратительные поступки

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+ оказалось, что сама последовательность чисел не случайна, и переводится с шифра A1Z26:

первая и последняя последовательности:
Показать полностью.
(Биение сердца серийной концепции злого умысла |
Серийная контрацепция злобных сердцебиений)

средняя последовательность:
(B E A U T I F U L O R G A N S)
(L O R G A N S)

Металлические конечности окрашены
(Красивые органы)
Металлические конечности окрашены
(L органов)
Металлические конечности

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If I recall, I can’t make sense of anything
and every day I feel like everything is just a dream
Показать полностью.
If I recall the paragraphs I spoke today,
they lacerate my throat like crows tearing it away

Even now I feel the same, I’ve been removed from my own head
I linger by fluorescent lights
On corroded walls and doors, in the air and on the floors
I’m stained in rust and feathers

Faces shift into one kind
The crow is watching from above at all times,
cawing nonsense in a fake reality
Now vivid colors represent lividity
Something is crawling through a hole inside my mind
The stimulated neurons repeat visible signs
As the days go by, life in this community
will turn to nothing other than my own insanity

If I recall the inner workings of our heads,
I’ll find that everything is truly worthless in the end

(See, believe, and repeat
See, believe, and repeat
See, believe, and repeat
See, believe, and repeat)

We believe the dreams you see are pieces of reality and
even when the crows are screaming, everything will be ok, so
please believe the dreams you see are pieces of reality and
even when the crows are screaming, kill your mind and put an end to this

Even now I feel the same, I’ve been removed from my own head
This game was taken much too far
Pull the optic nerve away, now I feel like throwing stones
at crows who laugh in your face

Thoughts of death race through my skin
My hollow stomach can’t break down what’s happening here
Call it nonsense, this is what it really means
Now livid feelings supersede my confusion
Something that sounds a little bit like suspicion
will be the only thing that’s left inside my carcass
As the days go by, life in this community
will turn to nothing other than my own insanity

Faces shift into one kind
The crow is watching from above at all times,
cawing nonsense in a fake reality
Now vivid colors represent lividity

Даже сейчас я чувствую то же самое, я был удален из собственной головы
Я задерживаюсь на флуоресцентных лампах
На ржавых стенах и дверях, в воздухе и на полах
Я в пятнах ржавчины и перьев

Лица переходят в один вид
Ворона всегда смотрит сверху,
каркает ерунду в фальшивой реальности
Теперь яркие цвета означают бодрость

Что-то ползет сквозь дыру в моей голове
Стимулированные нейроны повторяют видимые признаки
Со временем жизнь в этом сообществе
не превратится ни в что, кроме моего собственного безумия

Если я вспомню внутреннюю работу наших голов,
Я обнаружу, что все действительно бесполезно в конце

(Смотри, верь и повторяй
Смотри, верь и повторяй
Смотри, верь и повторяй
Смотри, верь и повторяй)

Даже сейчас я чувствую то же самое, я был удален из собственной головы
Эта игра зашла слишком далеко
Оттяните зрительный нерв, теперь я чувствую, что бросаю камни
в ворон, которые смеются тебе в лицо

Мысли о смерти мчатся сквозь мою кожу
Мой пустой желудок не может нарушить то, что здесь происходит
Назовите это чепухой, вот что это на самом деле означает
Теперь буйные чувства заменили мою растерянность
Нечто похожее на подозрение
будет единственной вещью, которая останется в моей туше
Со временем жизнь в этом сообществе
не превратится ни в что, кроме моего собственного безумия




Ghost 2018



F9a210 40c61d18bb34444db1444e5e617a2613 mv2

Background Information

Also known as



Years active




Ghost is easily recognizable owing greatly to its eccentric on-stage presence. Five of the group’s six members, its ‘Nameless Ghouls,’ wear virtually identical, face-concealing costumes. The most distinguishable member is its vocalist, called ‘Papa Emeritus’, who wears a prosthetic mask of skull face paint and appears as what can be described as a «demonic anti-Pope.» Each album cycle has brought about a change in the band’s appearance. Though the vocalist is always portrayed as roughly the same archetypal character, there are slight appearance changes, and even altered personality traits from former versions.

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All of the band members’ true identities were kept anonymous until 2017, when five former members revealed themselves, four of whom filed a lawsuit against the lead singer Tobias Forge, marking the confirmation of his true identity.


History [ ]

Formation and Opus Eponymous era [ ]

FortaRock 2011 Ghost Live 31

Ghost on stage in 2011 at FortaRock

After choosing the name Ghost, the band decided to use their love of horror films and «the traditions of Scandinavian metal» in the band’s imagery. A Nameless Ghoul said, «Everything started with a bunch of songs. We knew very early that to make this material work we needed to fulfill our dream of putting a horror show together with music. We knew it would take a while to get things assembled, get the imagery in order. It ended up being two years of planning before we made the announcement that the band was active. That led to a very fast signing with a record label and our first show.» In 2010, the band produced a three-track demo and the vinyl-only single «Elizabeth», before releasing their first studio album, Opus Eponymous, on October 18, 2010. The album was well-received and was nominated for the 2011 Grammis Award for «Best Hard Rock» album.

Ghost supported gothic metal band Paradise Lost on their «Draconian Times MMXI» tour in April 2011. On May 29, Ghost made their United States debut at the Maryland Deathfest. The band played at the annual Download Festival in the United Kingdom on the Pepsi Max Stage on June 11. Following their performance, Phil Anselmo, lead singer of the band Down, performed wearing a Ghost T-shirt and invited three of Ghost’s members to join him on the main stage, where they performed Down’s hit: «Bury Me In Smoke» together. When Down closed their set, both guitars and drums were played by members of Ghost.

Ghost took part in the «Defenders of the Faith III» tour with Trivium, In Flames and Rise to Remain for its UK and Europe shows. The band then embarked on their first United States tour, «13 Dates of Doom,» beginning in New York on January 18, 2012, and ending on February 2 in Los Angeles. Ghost joined Mastodon and Opeth as the opening act on the Heritage Hunter Tour throughout North America during April and May 2012. In early 2012, a Nameless Ghoul said that the band had completed writing their second album.

Infestissumam era [ ]

On December 15, 2012,

Ghost 2014

Ghost performing at Brooklyn, 28 July 2013

Ghost performed a special show in their hometown, Linköping, where they debuted a new song titled «Secular Haze», which was released online earlier that day, as well as their cover of ABBA’s «I’m a Marionette». During the same show, they introduced Papa Emeritus II as the successor to the band’s frontman Papa Emeritus. On December 20, the band announced that their second album, Infestissumam, would be released in early 2013. It was released in North America by Loma Vista Recordings in partnership with Republic Records—a division of Universal Music Group—marking Ghost’s major label debut.

On March 12, fans could access a new song online titled «Year Zero» if they promoted the band on Facebook by endorsing the election of its frontman as the next Pope of the Catholic Church. Infestissumam was originally scheduled to be released on April 9 in the US, but the band could not find a US company that would manufacture the CD. Four US CD manufacturers rejected the job because the artwork for the deluxe edition of the album was described as «basically a 16th century illustration of an orgy.» Rather than delay the album further, the band decided to use the artwork from the regular edition for the US pressings of the deluxe edition and announced the new release date of April 16. All European copies and the US vinyl versions include the controversial artwork. Ghost began their «Haze Over North America» tour on April 12 at the Coachella Festival, which consisted of about twenty dates in the US and Canada, and continued until May 18.

In 2013, Ghost embarked on a massive world tour and performed at several music festivals, including the 2013 Download Festival and Sweden’s Metaltown. On July 27, Ghost began a six date tour, which was supported by Skeletonwitch. This tour was titled the «Still Hazing over North America Tour», signifying a continuance of the earlier tour. It ended in Chicago at the Lollapalooza festival. Immediately after, Ghost toured South America supporting Iron Maiden and Slayer; this tour included a performance at Rock in Rio. Ghost opened for Avenged Sevenfold and Deftones on a US tour in October. In November, the band toured the UK with Alice in Chains.

On November 20, 2013, the band released the EP If You Have Ghost, consisting almost entirely of cover songs. It was produced by Dave Grohl of Nirvana and Foo Fighters fame. In late 2013, Ghost returned to Sweden before embarking on an early 2014 tour of Australia, which was followed by a Scandinavian tour. On January 18, 2014, Ghost won the Grammis Award for Best Hard Rock/Metal Album for Infestissumam. They then embarked on the «Tour Zero Year 2014» which lasted from April 17 until May 17 in North America. In July 2014, they performed at the European Sonisphere Festival.

Meliora era [ ]


Ghost performing at Frankfurt, Germany, 17 February 2016

Ghost’s third studio album, the follow up to Infestissumam, Meliora was released on August 21, 2015. In an advertisement for the album that aired May 28 on VH1 Classic, it was announced that Papa Emeritus II was «fired» and that his successor Papa Emeritus III is his younger brother by a full three months. The song «Cirice» was released as a free download from the band’s official site on May 31, and won the 2016 Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance.Papa Emeritus III was officially unveiled with a debut performance in Linköping on June 3, 2015, where the band also performed new songs from the upcoming album.

The album was first promoted in August by a five date acoustic tour named «Unholy/Unplugged» of record shops in the US. Here Papa Emeritus III sported slicked-back jet black hair without his trademark, and performed alongside the two guitarist Nameless Ghouls; accompanying them on the kazoo. A tour of the US titled «Black To The Future» began on September 22 and ran until November 1. This was quickly followed by a European tour of the same name that ran until December 21, including a full UK tour and two other tours in North America that took place in the spring and mid-summer of 2016.

In early 2017, Tobias Forge was sued by former Ghost members Simon Söderberg, Mauro Rubino, Martin Hjertstedt, and Henrik Palm as part of a royalties dispute. The four, who left Ghost in 2016, filed the suit in the district court of Linköping, Sweden and accused Forge, who was in charge of the band’s business affairs, of withholding financial information and payments to the other members. The former members also claimed that «Our vocalist and former friend is now attempting to, in an underhanded and shameless way, transform Ghost from a band into a solo project with hired musicians.» Forge claimed that «no legal partnership» ever existed between the other members and himself; they were paid a fixed salary to perform and execute the band’s image as he instructed as «musicians for hire.» He also stated that he refers to Ghost as a solo project, «Even though I’ve never wanted it that way, but at the end of the day, that is what it is. I mean, I started it in 2006, and no one that was ever in the band in 2016 was even on the first record. Call it solo, if you want to, but I call it a project.»

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On August 24, 2017, the band released their final music video from Meliora for their song » He Is «. It premiered at Saint Vitus Bar in New York City the day before. The band released their first live album titled Ceremony and Devotion digitally on December 8, 2017, with a physical release following on January 19, 2018.

Prequelle era [ ]

on the 20th of March 2020 in Mexico the last show of the Prequelle tour took place. Appropriately titled “A final Gig Named Death”. With speculation running wild in the days leading up to the show it was clear something big was going to happen. During the show when it came time to play “miasma” Papa Nihil took the stage with his saxophone as usual until a puff of “miasma” (smoke) blew into his face and seemingly killed him. As Nihil doctors tended to him cardinal copia emerged on his tricycle confused as to what just happened. After realising Nihil was dead it was time for him to “ascend”. A host of corps painted nuns surrounded Copia began undressing him. After a few minutes the nuns separated to reveal Cardinal Copia was no more and that Papa Emeritus IV had arrived. The show would continue on with the return of the devilish classic Con Clavi Con Dio with Papa Emeritus IV leading on vocals for the rest of the night.

Members [ ]

Theme [ ]

The six members of Ghost mimic the Roman Catholic Church but have reversed the image to worship Satan instead of the Holy Trinity. The Nameless Ghouls each represent one of the five elements; fire, water, wind, earth, and ether, and wear their respective alchemical symbol on their instruments. With the new Meliora costume changes each Nameless Ghoul has all five elemental symbols embroidered on the right breast of their costumes, and the elemental symbol representing the individual ghoul is highlighted to show the identity of the wearer.

Papa Emeritus [ ]

Peter Hällje, a former bandmate of former Ghost member Martin Persner, claimed he designed the Papa Emeritus character in 2005, prior to the formation of Ghost. Hällje never performed as Papa Emeritus and agreed with Persner to let him use the character for his then-new band. His claim was later confirmed by Forge.

Identities [ ]

Anonymity is a major characteristic of Ghost; the members have not publicly revealed their names, and the group’s five instrumentalists are only referred to as «Nameless Ghouls «. During signings, the Nameless Ghouls sign the merchandise by stamping their individual alchemical symbol, while Papa Emeritus signs with his stage name or the letters «P.E.» One Ghoul said the idea that the band’s members remain anonymous to gain attention is a misconception, and that the idea was to remove their personalities to allow their audiences to focus upon the artwork itself. He also said, «Had not the music been rocking, I don’t think that people would have gone gaga just about our looks». In 2011, a Nameless Ghoul said, «We’re often mistaken for roadies, which is helpful. We’ve almost been thrown out of venues we’ve played. Forgetting our backstage pass is a big problem.» In early 2012, a member of the band said he enjoyed being an individual and that he could easily «step outside the bubble» when he wanted to. In May 2013, a Ghoul disclosed that they had started to reveal their membership in the group to their local friends and family «for house peace.»

In an August 2013 interview with Jack Osbourne for Fuse News, a member of the band said that Dave Grohl has dressed up as a Nameless Ghoul and secretly performed with Ghost. In April 2014, a Nameless Ghoul revealed that the group has had several member changes through the years.

In March 2017, Swedish musician Martin Persner of the band Magna Carta Cartel claimed in a short video clip that he was the rhythm guitarist, also known as Omega, from 2009 to July 2016. This marked the first time that someone has publicly identified themselves as a member of Ghost. A few months before Persner’s announcement, the band recruited a new female bass player who was suspected to be Lez Zeppelin bassist Megan Thomas, later confirmed by Forge. A lawsuit against Forge in April 2017 on behalf of four past members revealed their names, as well as the names of several more past members. When asked about the complete lineup change at the end of 2016, Forge stated that Ghost «was always sort of… I guess a Bathory sort of band, where there was people playing live, and the people playing live [were] not necessarily the same that played on the records.»

Music [ ]

Ghost’s music has been categorized in many genres, though critics usually classify them as heavy metal, doom metal, hard rock, and to a lesser extent progressive rock and psychedelic rock. Adrien Begrand of PopMatters stated that Ghost recalls «the early sounds of Black Sabbath, Pentagram, and Judas Priest, as well as the progressive and psychedelic rock of the late ’60s.» Speaking to, a Nameless Ghoul described Ghost as a black metal band in the traditional sense, but said that they probably do not fit into the norms of the current black metal scene. This Nameless Ghoul described Ghost’s music as a mix between pop music and death metal.

Controversy [ ]

Ghost’s Satanic theme has proven problematic for the group, especially in the United States. While recording Infestissumam in Nashville, Tennessee, they were unable to find choral singers who would sing their lyrics, forcing them to record the parts in Hollywood. The group was unable to find a record manufacturer in the US to press the album because it featured artwork showing nudity, which resulted in a delay to the album’s release. When one interviewer suggested that the band’s music had become more «radio-friendly» and that they were being accepted into the US mainstream, a Nameless Ghoul replied that in the US their music was banned from major chain stores, most late-night television shows, and most commercial radio stations. He said, «So, yes, mainstream America is absolutely welcoming us with open legs.» During an interview with Loudwire in October 2015, a band member stated that as of 2015, the US had become more accepting of their music and imagery, further evidenced by their appearance as the main musical guests on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert on October 30, 2015, during a Halloween-themed episode. This was Ghost’s first live television appearance in the United States.


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